
Let's bring our thoughts to a close by talking about honouring treaties.

Canada was formed with the shared promises of peace, friendship, and mutual respect with First Nations in the presence of all of creation. These promises, for as long as the sun shines, the rivers flow and the grass grows, are to be in effect for peoples now and for those yet unborn. The challenges now faced by First Nations peoples and by all of humanity with the declining state of our natural world were not meant to be. Think of how enriched Canada and the world can be as Canada fulfills on its original promises of peace and sharing with First Nations peoples.

—National Chief Perry Bellegarde

National Chief Perry Bellegarde (in 2018) urged all Canadians to open their hearts and minds to understand our shared history and look ahead to where we need to go together. Honouring promises, an essential component in real reconciliation, takes collective effort and action.

It starts with a commitment to Mother Earth, to our natural world, to the air and the water. For generations, we have heard promises. Now, we must see action in partnership with Indigenous knowledge systems. We must develop a vision of environmental stewardship that is global and holistic, taking us beyond existing targets and timelines toward a sustainable future for all generations. This includes our promise for progress and economic priorities that protect Mother Earth. We must mutually share and benefit from these lands.

Without this, our future does not look promising.

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Curated Resources

Understanding that we are all in different spots in our collective learning journey. This location is a place for documents we believe will be useful further down the road or in your personal and professional development. The information shared in this space is to help you grow – it is not a part of the module requirements.

Treaty Essential Learnings: We Are All Treaty People

From: Office of the Treaty Commissioner (available for purchase)

From: Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario |Fédération des enseignantes et des enseignants de l'élémentaire de l'Ontario

From: Office of the Treaty Commissioner

From: Government of Canada

From: Land Claims Agreements Coalition