Indigenous vs Settler Timelines

In Canada, the Indigenous vs. Settler Timelines perspective refers to the historical timeline that encompasses the interactions and developments between Indigenous peoples and settlers (colonizers) from the time of European arrival to the present day. This perspective highlights the profound impact of colonization on Indigenous communities, including forced assimilation, displacement from ancestral lands, loss of language and cultural practices, and severe social and economic disparities. It also recognizes the resilience and ongoing struggles of Indigenous peoples to assert their rights, reclaim their cultural heritage, and achieve reconciliation and justice in the face of historical injustices. Understanding this perspective is crucial for acknowledging the complexities of Canada's history and fostering empathy and collaboration towards a more inclusive and equitable future.

At its core, the Indigenous vs. Settler timeline perspective in Canada is a journey through the historical interactions between Indigenous peoples, who have inhabited these lands for thousands of years, and the settlers who arrived from Europe and other parts of the world.

The timeline begins long before European contact when numerous Indigenous cultures thrived across the vast Canadian landscape. These diverse societies had rich traditions, languages, belief systems, and intricate connections with the land.

The turning point in this timeline occurred with the arrival of European explorers and settlers in the 15th and 16th centuries. This marked the beginning of significant changes as the newcomers sought to establish trade, colonization, and control over the land and resources. Interactions varied widely, with some Indigenous communities establishing alliances with settlers for mutual benefit, while others faced violent clashes and the loss of their territories.

As settlers expanded their presence in North America, conflicts and land dispossession increased. The 18th and 19th centuries saw the implementation of policies aimed at assimilating Indigenous peoples into European ways of life, including the establishment of residential schools where Indigenous children were forcibly separated from their families and culture, leading to immense intergenerational trauma.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Canadian government enacted policies like the Indian Act, which further controlled Indigenous lives and limited their autonomy. These actions severely impacted Indigenous societies, cultures, and governance structures.

In the latter half of the 20th century and into the 21st century, the Indigenous vs. Settler Timeline Perspective highlights a growing recognition of the need for reconciliation, truth-telling, and addressing historical injustices. Efforts have been made to acknowledge the past, seek truth, and establish pathways for healing and moving towards a more equitable future.

Throughout this timeline, Indigenous peoples have demonstrated incredible resilience, maintaining and revitalizing their cultures, languages, and traditional knowledge. They continue to advocate for their rights, including land rights, self-determination, and the preservation of their heritage.

Let’s look at an example of some major historical events and milestones.

The interactive diagram below touches upon what was happening both in the Indigenous World and the Setter Occupation from Canada’s inception to the recent past. They are by no means the only important events, but they do help us better understand some of our history and why we may have different perspectives when it comes to timelines.

4Directions Graph

Credit: 4Directions

Timeline (events in order)


  • Constitution Act

  • Indian Act & Indian Reservation Act

  • White paper policy

  • Citizens Minus: No recognition of Indigenous rights


  • Calder SCC

  • James Bay Mackenzie Valley

  • Decade of First: land rights / claims recognized (land, resources)

1980 – 1990

  • Constitution S.35

  • FMC’s (First Minister’s Conference)

  • Decade of Rights Expansions: Constitutional Rights (Supreme Court Decisions, Constitution Process)

1990 – 2000

  • RCAP

  • Inherent Right Policy

  • Decade of Self-Government: Self Government (RCAP, Inherent Rights)

2000 – 2010

  • James Bay

  • Mackenzie Valley

  • TRC

  • Decade of Negotiations: Negotiations (cumulative)

2010 – 2020

  • Idle no more

  • Ring of Fire

  • New Paradigm (Emerging): Economy (Resource development, demographics, geography, legal obligations, cumulative developments)

2020 and Beyond

  • Economy

  • Jobs

  • First Nations

Let’s look at some of the key events from the timeline in more detail:


  • Constitution Act: This act established the foundation for Canada's government structure but did not initially recognize Indigenous rights or self-governance.

  • Indian Act and Indian Reservation Act: These laws granted the Canadian government significant control over Indigenous peoples' lives, lands, and resources, leading to cultural suppression and land dispossession.

  • White Paper Policy: Proposed in 1969, this policy aimed to assimilate Indigenous peoples into mainstream Canadian society by eliminating their distinct legal status, but it faced strong opposition from Indigenous communities.


  • Calder SCC: The Calder case in 1973 brought attention to the issue of Indigenous land rights and recognition.

  • James Bay and Mackenzie Valley: These significant land claims settlements established precedents for recognizing Indigenous rights to land and resources.


  • Constitution S.35: Section 35 of the Constitution Act in 1982 recognized and affirmed existing Aboriginal and treaty rights, a pivotal moment for Indigenous rights.

  • FMC's: Provision were made for a series of First Ministers Conferences "to identify and define" Aboriginal and treaty rights.

  • Decade of Rights Expansions: Constitutional Rights (Supreme Court Decisions, Constitution Process): Land claims and self-government agreements negotiated during this decade aimed to address historical injustices and provide Indigenous communities with greater autonomy.


  • RCAP (Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples): This commission, established in 1991, extensively explored Indigenous issues and made recommendations for reconciliation and self-determination.

  • Inherent Right Policy: Recognized in 1995, this policy acknowledged Indigenous peoples' inherent right to self-government and autonomy.


  • TRC (Truth and Reconciliation Commission): Formed in 2008, the TRC examined the history and legacies of the residential school system and sought to promote healing and reconciliation.

  • James Bay and Mackenzie Valley: Ongoing land claims and resource development negotiations continued during this decade.


  • Idle No More: A grassroots movement that began in 2012, advocating for Indigenous rights, sovereignty, and environmental protection.

  • Ring of Fire: Refers to a potential mining and infrastructure development project in Ontario that has significant implications for Indigenous communities.

  • New Paradigm (Emerging): This period saw increased focus on economic development, resource development, and recognition of Indigenous contributions to the national economy.

2020 and Beyond

  • Economy, Jobs, First Nations: Current and future considerations include the importance of economic opportunities, job creation, and the role of First Nations in shaping sustainable development.

Common Mistakes

Here are some do and don’t lists for well-meaning individuals wanting to engaging with Indigenous Peoples, Knowledge Systems, and cultures. How many of these have you participated in, were subject to, or experienced?

Important Considerations

  • Don’t single out Indigenous children, ask them to describe their families’ traditions, or their cultures.

  • Don’t assume that there are no Indigenous people/children in your class/ work or neighborhood.

  • Do look for books and materials written and illustrated by Indigenous people.

  • Don’t use story books that show non-Indigenous children “playing Indian.”

  • Don’t use picture books by non-Indigenous authors that show animals dressed as “Indians.”

  • Do avoid arts and crafts and activities that trivialize Indigenous dress, dance, or ceremony.

  • Don’t use books that show Indigenous people as savages, primitive crafts people, or simple tribal people, now extinct (i.e., historicizing narratives).

  • Don’t have children dress up as “Indians,” with paper-bag “costumes” or paper-feather “headdresses.”

  • Don’t have them make “Indian crafts” unless you know authentic methods and have authentic materials.

  • Do make sure you know the history of Indigenous peoples, past and present, before you attempt to teach it.

  • Don’t use materials which manipulate words like “victory,” “conquest,” or “massacre” to distort history.

  • Don’t use materials which present only those Indigenous people who aided Europeans as heroes.

  • Do use materials which present Indigenous heroes who fought to defend their own people.

  • Do discuss the relationship between Indigenous peoples and the colonists and what went wrong with it.

  • Do use respectful language in teaching about Indigenous peoples.

  • Don’t portray Indigenous peoples as “the first ecologists.”

  • Do invite Indigenous community members to the classroom.

  • Do offer them an honorarium. Treat them as teachers, not as entertainers.

  • Don't assume that every Indigenous person knows everything there is to know about every Indigenous Nation.

Phew! That was a lot! How many have you experienced? Most Indigenous peoples will have experienced all of the ‘Don’ts’ and not enough of the ‘Do’s.